Monday, 3 October 2011

Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design

Over the summer we were given a list of names, famous names not just for design but music, art, film, sport and even politics. We were told to look into the list, choose 40 and research who they were. I began to sort out the list, first by occupation and then how much I knew about them.

I ended up with 6 groups; Big names, New faces, Linked, Design Groups, New Designers and Graphic Designers. 'Big Names' was a list of famous people I should know more about. 'New Faces' were people I knew of but knew nothing about. Next was 'Linked', people from the list who were related or worked together and the final 20 were all about designers.

Later on I decided to type the first few from the list into google and found out it was the index from Michael Bierut's book; Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design.
I got the book from the library yesterday and so far it seems really interesting. It touches on how design is taught in higher education and the transition into the real design world.

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