'A road movie is a film genre in which the film's plot focuses around a road trip. A kind of bildungsroman, a story in which the hero changes, grows or improves over the course of the story.'
I thought there could be several different ways of expressing this idea of a journey and growth visually.
Concept 1 - light/movement
An obvious place to start my research is 'traveling' and 'movement'. I travel down to Leicester most weekends and brainstorm my ideas while driving. I've often tried to take reference of things I have seen while driving to add to my 'Professional Studies' module. Only last weekend I made a note of the movement of the shadows caused by my headlights when maneuvering.
Concept 2 - life is a journey
When I first read the brief I had an idea of an impact image lead poster. I thought using the audience as the 'star' in the film. By showing a weathered face that suggested the subject had been on a journey themselves. Although this idea doesn't really fit the target audience of the poster,18-28 year olds, but I still think it could be worth pursuing.
Possibly by having two images overlapping, like a hologram. At first glance the figure may appear young but then as the audience moves the picture changes and the figure ages.