Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Graphic Skills

The following are my final pieces from the 'graphic skills' module. It consisted of three short projects where we had to react to a given piece of text.

The first project was to work with type to express the themes found in 'Under Milk Wood', a play written by Dylan Thomas.
Next was the image project and the poem, 'Panic Bird' by Robert Phillips. I created a mobile of 'hand shadow puppet' shaped birds and a wire birdcage.
Finally, was the Sequence project where we had to listen to an extract from the movie 'Pi' directed by Darren Aronofsky. 
The final piece had to be 3 separate images which worked together. After researching the idea of a 'Palindrome', I settled on the symmetry of the circle image used in both pic.1 and pic.3.

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