Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Networking and Growth

I've been doing a bit of brainstorming with this idea of 'education' as a process rather than looking at graduation and qualifications. I have to think about what education does and how it is achieved.


- Education, Learning, Instruction, Edification, Development, Training, Progress, Advance, Increase, Growth, Enlargement, Improvement, Expansion, Evolution, Obtaining Knowledge, Acquire, Attain, Gain

- Networking, Linking, Set of Connections/Contacts, Association, Group, Relation, Tie, Bond
I was sent a link to the above photo which can be found on I thought that the roads connecting cities is a great example of my new 'Network' concept. I really like the lights of the cities and small towns against the black empty space.

I think its a great representation of a 'Network' and 'Expansion'

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