Friday, 3 December 2010

Logo Concepts

I've decided on three 'Concepts' for the UKFSEG logo. These concepts have broad titles so can contain varied ideas.

1. Decoding - After researching the DNA profiling techniques and the images produced I came across this idea of revealing the logo over time.

2. Missing Piece - As a Forensic Team search the evidence for a missing piece of the crime 'puzzle' I've decided to work this idea into a logo. This could be the letters as jigsaw pieces or possibly the letters linked together. (Which could also symbolise the joining of the forensic students with employers)

3. Letterforms - my final concept idea came about while looking at logos using the name of the company as an image. I've decided to use the UKFSEG to create symbols/images. (The logo below falls into this concept idea)

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